Jacqueline Mulhallen
Jackie has published two books on the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley a chapter on the dance artist Viganò, and a chapter on the actress Eliza O'Neill, together with a poem.
Jackie had read Shelley's poetry from the age of 13, and wrote a biographical play about him, Shadow of the Soul, for Lynx Theatre and Poetry. Her extensive research for this play inspired Jackie to study for a PhD with the wellknown Shelley scholar Nora Crook. The thesis was published, to great praise, and has led to other chapters and books being published.
The Theatre of Shelley
Jackie's first book on Shelley was The Theatre of Shelley (Cambridge: Openbook Publishers, 2010), a ground-breaking study of his plays which places them fully in the context of his time and his experience of the theatre.
It received praise from general readers, academics and the Times Literary Supplement.
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poet and Revolutionary
Jackie's political biography of Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poet and Revolutionary (London: Pluto Press, October 2015), is now available.
It has attracted accolades even before being published from:
Benjamin Zephaniah (poet, writer and musician)
Stephen C. Behrendt (George Holmes Distinguished Professor of English, University of Nebraska)
Michael O’Neill (Professor of English, Durham University)
Nicholas Roe (Professor of English Literature at the University of St Andrews)
Michael Rossington (Professor of Romantic Literature, Newcastle University)
More reviews are available here.
Videos of the book launch at the Keats House Museum in London are available here.

Theatre writing
Eliza O’Neill and the art of acting
Exploring the Lives of Women (Barnsley: Pen & Sword, 2018) is available on Amazon and Wordery. The book includes Jackie's essay 'Eliza O’Neill and the art of acting' and her poem 'Stilts'.
The Women's Study Group 1558 - 1837 held a launch event on the afternoon of Saturday 8 December 2018 at the Foundling Museum
in London, when Jackie recited 'Stilts'. A video of her recital is available here.
Shelley and the Dance Artist Viganò
Jackie was also commissioned to contribute ‘Shelley and the Dance Artist Viganò’ as a chapter to The Oxford Handbook to the Georgian Theatre (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). This book was shortlisted for the theatre award 2015.
From the inception of the Restoring the Repertoire programme in April, 2004, until November, 2006, Jackie worked as researcher at the Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds. She wrote the programme notes and discussed the historical perspective with actors.
The plays ranged from Hannah Cowley’s The Belle’s Stratagem to J.R. Planché’s The Vampire and R.B. Peake’s Presumption, and the notes will be gradually made available here by clicking on the relevant programme.
It was Jackie who discovered that eighteenth century woman playwright Elizabeth Inchbald was a local girl! A number of Inchbald's plays were performed including Lovers’ Vows, Animal Magnetism, and Wives as they Were, Maids as They Are.
'Focus on Finland', Theatre Australia, 1979, was an article based on her year in Finland studying Finnish theatre.
Articles, reviews & letters
Counterfire articles:
Who was Mary Wollstonecraft?, Counterfire, November 2019.
Theatre and the struggle against apartheid, Counterfire, October 2020.
Solidarity part two: the struggle
Solidarity part three: the collapse
(all with William Alderson), Counterfire, August 2020.
Queen Caroline and Swellfoot the Tyrant, Counterfire, July 2020.
George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia: books that made me a socialist, Counterfire, April 2020.
Trotsky’s My Life: books that made me a socialist, Counterfire, April 2020.
William Blake: prophet and seditionary, Counterfire, September 2019.
The Tories' vision: work until you die, Counterfire, August 2019.
Rise Like Lions: the politics of Shelley's Mask of Anarchy, Counterfire, August 2019.
Britain refuses to withdraw from the Chagos Islands, Counterfire, May 2019.
Westminster's first woman, 100 years on, Counterfire, December 2018.
Frankenstein at 200, Counterfire, July 2018, and printed in their monthly paper.
Sylvia Pankhurst and the Working Class Suffragettes, Counterfire, March 2018.
Statue Commemorating Working Class /Suffragette Alice Hawkins Unveiled, Counterfire, February 2018.
Draining People’s Rights, Counterfire, January 2018.
For the Many Not the Few Jeremy Corbyn and Percy Bysshe Shelley, Counterfire, June 2017.
Dario Fo will continue to inspire us, Counterfire, October 2016.
'Lost and found Shelley poem', Counterfire, November 2015.
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: a radical leader of workers’ struggles,
Counterfire, March 2013.
Rise like lions after slumber: revolutionary Shelley, Counterfire, September 2012.
Counterfire reviews:
TV programme: Drama out of a Crisis: A Celebration of Play for Today (with William Alderson), Counterfire, November 2020.
Book: Navigating the Zeitgeist: A Story of the Cold War, the New Left, Irish Republicanism, and International Communism - book review, Counterfire, November 2019.
Book: An African in Imperial London, Counterfire, October 2018.
Book: Mapping My Way Home, Counterfire, May 2018.
Book: For Whose Benefit? The Everyday Realities of Welfare Reform, Counterfire, July 2017.
Book: Selling Apartheid: South Africa's Global Propaganda War, Counterfire, January 2017.
Romanticism and Caricature, Counterfire, January 2015.
Exhibition: Sylvia Pankhurst's art, Counterfire, November 2013.
How a Century of War Changed the Lives of Women, Counterfire, March 2013.
Women in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Lives and Culture, Counterfire, April 2012.
The Robeson Files, a BBC Radio 2 programme, Counterfire, July 2011.
Exhibition: Shelley’s Ghost, Counterfire, December 2010.
Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain, Counterfire, December 2010.
Other journals:
‘Sylvia Pankhurst’s Paintings: A Missing Link’, Women’s History Magazine, summer 2009 (see here for more).
'Samuel Johnson, Amateur Physician' (with D.J.M. Wright), Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1982.
Jackie had some light-hearted articles published in the Australian magazine Pol.
'Shelley, Johnson and the enemies of liberty', letter in The Guardian

A short story ‘The Boss’ appeared in Spare Rib in 1980 and will be part of the magazine's digital achive at some point.

Guest blogs
Rebels and Friends, Constance Markievicz and Eva Gore-Booth for the parliamentary UKVote100 website.
Sylvia Pankhurst, artist and suffragette for the parliamentary UKVote100 website.
For the Many, Not the Few: Jeremy Corbyn and Percy Bysshe Shelley
for the Pluto Press website (June 2017).
A Philosophical View of Reform: The Politics of Percy Bysshe Shelley for the Pluto Press website (October 2015).
Shelley’s ‘Poetical Essay on the State of Things’ for the Pluto Press website, which is no longer on their website, but is available here.