Jacqueline Mulhallen
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poet and Revolutionary
Jackie's political biography of Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poet and Revolutionary (London: Pluto Press, October 2015), attracted accolades even before being published, and it has subsequently attracted praise in reviews:
Camden New Journal (5 November 2015)
Counterfire website (6 November 2015), republished on the ORGANISED RAGE website (14 November 2015)
Sceptical Scot website (10 November 2016), republished on the metropolis2520 website
Le Monde Diplomatique book of the month (December 2015)
rs21 website (6 January 2016)
Peace News (April-May 2016)
Romantic Circles (5 July 2016)
The BARS Review (2016)
Coleridge Bulletin (2018)
"It offers a clear and detailed analysis of the development and culmination of Shelley's political ideology." Josefina Tuominen-Pope in The BARS Review