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Jacqueline Mulhallen
Book Launch: London
On this page are videos of the launch of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poet and Revolutionary by Jacqueline Mulhallen at Keats House, London:
Introductions by Elaine Graham Leigh and Jacqueline Mulhallen
Remarks by Lindsey German, National Convenor of the Stop the War Coalition
Ozymandias read by Roger Gartland
Ode to the West Wind (excerpts) read by Valerie Lilley
The Masque of Anarchy (excerpts) read by William Alderson
Laon and Cythna (excerpt) read by Karen McCaffrey
The videos were shot by Dritan Dauti and edited by William Alderson.
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poet and Revolutionary
Lindsey German
West Wind
Laon and Cythna
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